Dr. Alan Lee, leads a team of highly specialized and experienced medical specialists at Dr. LEE Clinics. Our medical specialists are experts in the fields of genetics, environmental health, as well as precision medicine.
Our doctors are board-certified and licensed to practice in Taiwan. Furthermore, our doctors are multilingual English, Chinese and Japanese.
A friendly team of nurses, laboratory staff, and two very experienced, bilingual pharmacists, will furthermore assist you in securing your wellness.
Dr. Lee Gastroenterology Clinic
Director, Endoscopic center, Taipei Medical University, Shuang Ho Hospital
Attending, Dev. Gastroenterology Dept. Taipei Medical University
Assistant Professor, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
Attending, HepatoGastroenterology Dept. Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Chia-Yi Medical Hospital
Attending, HepatoGastroenterology Dept. Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Linco Medical Center
Fellow, HepatoGastroenterology Dept. Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Linco Medical Center
Resident, Internal Medicine Dept. Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Linco Medical Center